Oxford Commissioners Meeting

The next Oxford Commissioners Meeting will be held virtually on March 9, 2021 at 6 pm. All are welcome to join and participate in the meeting at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88231813042?pwd=RDhvTmtxanBEMkhYMnkwdndVZ3RsQT09 By Audio: 301-715-8592   Meeting ID: 882 3181 3042  Passcode: 338218

Port Wardens Meeting

BOARD OF PORT WARDENS March 11, 2021 at 6 pm THIS WILL BE A VIRTUAL MEETING Citizens and participants can join the Zoom meeting at the link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87469733995?pwd=dUVsWWt1S3JXWExsK0hhNUM2clhtUT09 Or by Audio at : 301-715-8592  Meeting ID: 874 6973 3995  Passcode: 910866 … Continue reading

Commissioners Special Meeting

The Oxford Commissioners will hold a special meeting on March 19, 2021 at 8:30 am via a video conference call. The purpose of the special meeting is to hold a Closed Session to discuss a real estate matter, a matter … Continue reading

Commissioners Special Meeting

The Oxford Commissioners will hold a special meeting on March 22, 2021 at 3 pm via a video conference call. The purpose of the special meeting is to hold a Closed Session to discuss a real estate matter, a matter … Continue reading

Oxford Commissioners Meeting

The next Oxford Commissioners meeting will be held virtually on March 23, 2021 at 6 pm. Citizens are welcome to join and participate in the Zoom meeting at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86002192288?pwd=QnJTdjV1VjBFeCtZTG9tNnNMa3RMQT09 Or by Audio Only: 301-715-8592 Meeting ID: 860 0219 … Continue reading

Oxford Historic District Meeting

Oxford Historic District Meeting April 5, 2021 at 5 pm THIS WILL BE A VIRTUAL MEETING Participants are to participate by joining the provided link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82487221386?pwd=UlRTVDVQTENCcWVLQ29NdmtoWHQxdz09 Citizens are welcome to join by the video link or using audio only by … Continue reading

Oxford Planning Commission

THIS WILL BE A VIRTUAL MEETING Participants are to participate by joining the provided link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81135930570?pwd=TTRaU2hYdE5sdURCYnp5TkdFU2FyUT09 Citizens are welcome to join by the video link or using audio only by call Follow prompts and enter the following: Meeting ID: 811 … Continue reading

Port Wardens Meeting

The Oxford Port Wardens will hold their regular meeting on April 8, 2021 at 6 pm. This meeting will be held virtually. Citizens and participants can join the Zoom meeting at the link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87506369769?pwd=VDVGVU8wYUVVbkNxS1VkZFkrenNHZz09 Audio : 301-715-8592    Meeting ID: … Continue reading

Commissioners of Oxford

The Next COMMISSIONERS MEETING will be April 13, 2021 THIS WILL BE A VIRTUAL MEETING Instructions for audio and video participation are posted prior to the meeting and can be found on the Town website calendar: oxfordmd.net  /  all are … Continue reading

Oxford Commissioners Meeting

The Next COMMISSIONERS MEETING will be April 27, 2021 THIS WILL BE A VIRTUAL MEETING Instructions for audio and video participation are posted prior to the meeting and can be found on the Town website calendar: oxfordmd.net  /  all are … Continue reading

Historic District Commission

THIS WILL BE A VIRTUAL MEETING Participants are to participate by joining the provided link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87970013530?pwd=ZEFMS3hWMktjN3pPcWNUQm43cW1Rdz09 Citizens are welcome to join by the video link or using audio only by calling 301-715-8592 Follow prompts and enter the following:  Meeting ID: … Continue reading

Planning Commission Meeting

THIS WILL BE A VIRTUAL MEETING Participants are to participate by joining the provided link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83807465430?pwd=M3RiZjkzZUlQV1VqTmlra3I5U1ROZz09 Citizens are welcome to join by the video link or using audio only by calling 301-715-8592 Follow prompts and enter the following:  Meeting ID: … Continue reading