As you take down your Purple Lights please remember to return town bulbs to the town office. They can be left outside the door in the hand sanitzer bucket on week days and we will retrieve them.
Water/Ways, a traveling Smithsonian Institute exhibit, came to Oxford at St. Paul’s Church, 225 S. Morris St., from July 13 through August 24, 2019. Sponsored by the Oxford Museum & Maryland Humanities, it explored the endless motion of a critical resource, water, and its effect on landscape, settlement, migration, culture and spirituality. Supporting exhibits were at the Oxford Museum, 101 S. Morris St. Admission to both is free.
Water/Ways, a Smithsonian Museum on Main Street traveling exhibit will be in Oxford beginning July 13. Organizations all across Maryland competed for the chance to host this traveling exhibition and the Oxford Museum was one of only six communities awarded the special opportunity.
From above, Earth appears as a water plant with more than 71 percent of its surface covered with this vital resource for life. Water impacts climate, agriculture, transportation, industry and more. It inspires art and music. The Water/Ways exhibit examines water as an environmental necessity and an important cultural element. Many faiths revere water as a sacred symbol. Authors and artists are inspired by the complex character of water. It also plays a practical role in American society. The availability of water affected settlement and migration patterns and access and control of water resources have long been a central part of political and economic planning.
“The Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries are such a critical part of the Eastern Shore’s life and culture that we are thrilled to bring Water/Ways to our community,” said Museum President, Stuart Parnes. “Together with many regional partners, we will also be presenting a range of public programs to compliment the Smithsonian’s exhibit.” Two companion exhibits are currently on display at the Oxford Museum’s home location at 101 South Morris Street: “Carrying On – Four Centuries on the Oxford Bellevue Ferry” and “A Rising Tide in the Heart of the Chesapeake Bay.”
Water/Ways is the sixth Museum on Main Street project brought to small communities through the state by Maryland Humanities.
El Galeon Andalucia: A Cheaspeake Journey
“El Galeon Andalucia: A Chesapeake Journey” traces the 16th century replica ship’s
path from two of its ports of call in September 2014 — Baltimore to Oxford,MD. Watch
the ship move through the Bay, under the iconic spans of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge,
and on to a welcome in Oxford, where you’ll climb aboard and see just how authentic
to its heritage this vessel really is. This documentary-style piece runs about 10 minutes.
Brought to you courtesy of I-4 Video of Easton.