Oxford Building Permit Submittal Schedule: 2025 Meeting Submittal Schedule
Oxford Building Permit Application and Check List:
This is the basic application used for all permit applications. Please complete all relevant sections, but do turn in ALL pages in with your application.
Applications for construction and other changes to your property require a recorded plat survey, site plan or drawing upon which shall be drawn, shown or depicted to scale, the actual dimensions and shape of the parcel to be built upon; the exact size and locations on the parcel of buildings already existing, if any; and the location and dimension of the proposed building, structure or alteration, identification of neighboring property owners, critical area boundary and critical area buffer (when applicable), sediment control plan, elevation and delineation of floodplain, and the proposed location of any temporary on-site storage areas for construction materials, equipment or debris, as well as the proposed location of any portable storage container or large refuse container. As we have impervious limitations on all properties in Oxford, accurate impervious coverage calculations must be included on your site plan.
Fencing requires this additional information Fence Description
Plumbing Permit Applications should be requested from the town office.
Building Permit Supplemental Applications:
- Standard Erosion and Sediment Control Plan – Erosion and Sediment Plan
- Simplified Buffer Management Application is required for tree and shrub removal in Oxford. Oxford has a one for one tree replacement program, with replacement size and quantity determined by Section 33.02 A of the OXFORD ZONING ORDINANCE. – CA Buffer Management Simplified Form
- The plant species for areas within the Buffer Management Area (100′ feet from the water). – Oxford Buffer Management Areas Approved Species List
- For all areas within the town further inland than the first 100′ from the water – please see this list for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed – Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping
Board of Port Wardens Applications:
Any work to be done along the water or in the water, including riprap, bulkheads, living shorelines, docks, dock additions, floating docks, pilings, waterfowl perches, and significant maintenance require approval from the Oxford Port Wardens, and in most case the Maryland DNR and Army Corps of Engineers.
Please note these are not fillable forms. Please print the forms and complete in pen. Building Permits require property owner signatures.
Most fees and charges can be found on the Town of Oxford Fee Schedule: 2022 OXFORD Fee Schedule
REQUEST FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION – submit the following form to the Town Office: Public Information Act Request Form