Welcome to the Town of Oxford

Town Notices: 

Town Treasurer: The Town of Oxford is seeking qualified applicants for the Town Treasurer position. To view the position description please click here. Applicants should submit a resume and cover letter to Town Manager, Holly Wahl at oxfordmanager@goeaston.net

Facade Improvements: Are you a local business or community organization that is interested in facade improvements? Submit your project for potential grant funding here

Town Meeting Notices: 

The Town of Oxford Commissioners will meet on March 25th starting at 6:00 PM for their regularly scheduled meeting. To view the agenda please click here

The Board of Appeals will meet on March 27th starting at 5:00 PM for the meeting on the Oxford Inn/Pope’s Tavern. To view the agenda please click here

The Planning Commission will meet on April 1st starting at 2:00 PM for their regularly scheduled meeting. Agenda coming soon. 

The Historic Commission will meet on April 7th starting at 3:30 PM for their regularly scheduled meeting. Agenda coming soon. 

The Board of Port Wardens will meet on April 10th starting at 5:00 PM for their regularly scheduled meeting. To view the agenda please click here.


TOWN COMMISSIONER MEETINGS ARE STREAMED LIVE AT: https://townhallstreams.com/towns/oxford_md

All Town Commission meetings are now live streamed on the Town Hall Streams link above, including the Town Commissioners meeting, as well as meetings of the Historic District Commission, the Planning Commission, the Port Wardens, and the Board of Appeals.  Videos of past meetings are available for viewing as space allows.

Streaming disclaimer: There may be circumstances where, due to technical difficulties or internet reliability, live streaming may be disrupted and unavailable. The Town will make every effort to ensure proper functioning, but cannot be held responsible or liable for temporary unavailability due to technical reasons beyond our control. Should you experience any difficulties, please go back to the Town of Oxford’s website and re-access the townhallstreams link from there. Contact the town office at 410-226-5122 with any questions or concerns.

Want to receive communications from the Town Staff?  You can subscribe to the Town’s Constant Contact program by e-mailing  oxfordclerktreasurer@goeaston.net

The Town of Oxford is pleased to have available the Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for Calendar Year 2023. This report is designed to inform you of the quality of water and services that the town delivers to you every day. The Annual Drinking Water Quality Report  is mailed with the quarterly water bills at the end of June of each year and can also be found here:  Oxford 2023 CCR

The Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for each Calendar Year is provided to the public by July 1st of the new year by mail and posted here.

Prior year report:   Oxford 2022 CCR

If you live in Oxford’s service area, but do not receive a water bill, you can also pick up a hard copy at the Town Office at 101 Market Street.


To participate in the Talbot County Emergency Alert Notification program please follow instructions found here: Citizen Alert Registration






The presentation is available on the OCC YouTube channel below: 

Please visit the Oxford Resilience tab for the latest information on the town’s resilience efforts, including the completed Oxford 2100 Strategic Resilience Plan.

 Visit Ready.Gov to learn more about the risk Hurricanes and other weather related events pose and the advance planning that will keep you and your family safe. Local information can be found at the links below:

Oxford Emergency Preparedness

Oxford Hurricane Preparation

Talbot County Emergency Services Hurricane Information  

Are you prepared for a flood? Brochure 2022

When is the best time to purchase Flood Insurance? 

All residents should access the vulnerability of your individual properties and make sure you have a Flood Insurance Policy in place. The current Flood Insurance rates are less than they have been in past and if you do not have a policy, this would be a good time to get one. As participants in the FEMA Community Rating System, Oxford residents also receive a 15% discount off normal NFIP rates. Most Homeowner Insurance providers can assist you with Flood Insurance or put you in contact with a Flood Insurance provider.

And as mentioned in a past newsletter, you may also want to consider downloading the MyCoast app on your phone and participate in collecting high tide flooding information for our community to help inform our future planning… mycoast.org/md  

Planning Commission information regarding the update as it becomes available can be found at the link below:


The Planning Commission proposed the adoption of a new Oxford Sewer Tier Map as a recommendation to the Commissioners of Oxford based on the recent public input. 

Res 2308 Growth Tier Map 2023 as approved by the Commissioners of Oxford on August 22, 2023. 

For the most recent Notices of Public Hearings and Request for ProposalsPublic Notices/Public Hearings

For Commissioner and Board Agendas: Meeting Agendas

Other town news and information can be found below and at: News, Calendar and Town Information

Recent Information concerning ongoing efforts to build resilience for Oxford can be found here:  Oxford Resilience

Oxford Shoreline Improvements      

Oxford Community Resilience Committee CRC

Information regarding Oxford’s Economic Development efforts can be found here: Oxford Economic Development


New to Oxford? 


Please note this website is currently going through a domain transition and some functionality may be lost. If you discover missing information or a non responsive page, please email the information to oxfordclerk@goeaston.net

Complete copies of all ordinances, meeting minutes, maps, and other town records are maintained in the Oxford Town Office. This website, and the partial records shown on this website, are provided as a convenience only. This website is not a repository of official public records of the Town of Oxford.