Oxford Resilience

John Martin, PE Water Resources Engineer from the MDOT/SHA Office of Highway Development, attended the June 11, 2024 Commissioners Meeting and provided a review of the current and future challenges with the impact of climate change at MD 333 Causeway, and explained his findings and recommendations.

The town is currently investigation Stormwater Management Projects to mitigate stormwater and tidal water flooding issues in several locations in town. Below is the recent presentation (click on picture) provided to the Commissioners at their March 26, 2024 Commissioners Meeting, which can be reviewed in its entirety at https://townhallstreams.com/towns/oxford_md

View the presentationhttps://youtu.be/nr2U9zK24io

Click here for the Oxford 2100 Visioning Project, including the resulting “Oxford 2100 Strategic Resilience Plan”

The Town of Oxford is committed to facing future changes with preparation and determination. In order to maintain the necessary forward momentum in the face of Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, and the ever changing Economy, the town has established a Community Resilience Committee to act as keepers of the information and to inform citizens and elected officials over time.

Oxford Community Resilience Committee CRC as initially established in 2022. This committee meets quarterly and times will be posted on the calendar.


Oxford Resilience Update (slide show) as provided in a town meeting on August 10, 2023

OCC video including slide show of the talk:
Town Talk Aug 10 – YouTube


The Oxford CRC was invited to participate in the University of Delaware’s film production on their Coastal Critical Zone Networks research project:   Salted Earth

A vast amount of information can be found on the topic of salt water intrusion on the Coastal Critical Zone Network website:


Please visit https://coast.noaa.gov/slr/ where you will find a sea level rise viewer you can use to view the potential impact of sea level rise in your area.

The town began initial studies in 2013 regarding Stormwater and Tidal Water Flooding concerns and in 2016 Economic Strategic Planning and has continued to utilize these initial studies for planning and funding initiatives.

Oxford Stormwater and Flood Management Study – 2013

Oxford Historic Commercial District Plan – 2016

Stormwater Management & Shoreline Protection Master Plan – 2016

Oxford Working Waterfront Strategic Plan – 2017

Oxford Sustainable Community 2020 Renewal Report and Action Plan – 2020

Oxford 2100 Visioning Project – 2023

Resilience Infrastructure Projects

Oxford Causeway Stormwater Retention Project – 2018

Oxford Shoreline Improvements – 2023